Monday, December 7, 2009

SAHM to Workforce Sally to "How do i change a diaper again?!?!"

First post....YOWZAHHHS!
Try to bear with me as I take you on a journey...a long,possibly boring, possibly magical journey.

In the last few years so many things have changed. So suddenly, infact, that it almost seems to have happened in the blink of an eye. I have gone from a fresh high school graduate to college student to wife/mother/caretaker. I have been through about 45000000000 diaper changes, deployments that i thought would never end, marriage counseling, a brief try at working as a Mother, and now finaly im back to square one. Square one may sound like its a bad place to be, but in my world it's not. Its magical. I watch my two beautiful children grow and change daily. Wheather they are learning to walk, run, sit-up, or speak every-single-day with them now is a blessing in itself. Sure, when i began working i was beyond happy. I was now a provider instead of just a "supporter" but then my 5th babysitter in 5 months decided to quit....back at square one. Oh how i have missed you giant pile of laundry.....

My mother is nwo living with us. She is physicaly handicapped and has been for the last 7 years. Everyday i have to watch her condition slowly but surely decline....I can't imagine taking 17 pills 4 times a day just to make the pain a LITTLE less.

My lover. My Friend. My MARINE has been fighting for his career "status" in this Corps for almost 8 years now. and FINALLY we are making some headway. He is going to be promoted sometime this month....a much needed thing here for us. Not that the pay raise will be much to notice, but mentally he needs this more than anything. To keep his motivation up, to be reminded that he IS valued in his job. He is my heart and soul and i want nothing but the absolute best for him.

Ahhhhh the sound of wet Graham Crackers hitting the floor thrown by a hyper-active 19 month to my ears

Thus ending my not-ever-going-to-be-so-good blogging experience for the day.

Enjoy the rest of your day or week or month however long it is until we speak again....and always remember that someone somewhere is thinking of you at this very moment.

Yours truly.